Tuesday, March 3, 2009

From Frankie

Anonymous said...

You wont find me around here because it isn't worth my time.You need to find something bettar to do with your time. Get a job or hobby.The police are watching you carefully.you bettar not break the Freedom of Information Act or you will be in legal hot watar not me.This works both ways I can slam you all just like you are doing to me.Actualley its an honor you all come after me so much. Meens I am important to you.

March 3, 2009 5:42 PM

Okay Frankie, let's see, where do I start with this one? I will ignore the fact that you cannot spell and I will summarize what you tried to say in your message.

1. We won't find you here because it's not worth your time. ---Then why are you posting here?

2. We need to find something better to do with our time. ---This is pretty fun.

3. The police are watching? ---LMAO. Yea, sure they are. I'm certain they don't have any crime to worry about in the Pittsburgh area.

4. The Freedom of Information Act...
The U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law ensuring public access to U.S. government records. FOIA carries a presumption of disclosure; the burden is on the government - not the public - to substantiate why information may not be released. Upon written request, agencies of the United States government are required to disclose those records, unless they can be lawfully withheld from disclosure under one of nine specific exemptions in the FOIA. This right of access is ultimately enforceable in federal court.

I copied that off the site at http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nsa/foia.html, as I don't want to be accused of plagerism. I really don't see how the FOIA relates to this issue. If you had done your research you would understand that.

5. This works both ways, you can slam us like we are slamming you. ---Yes it does, and we are giving you the reputation that you deserve because of the way you treated most of the people on your site. We are not "slamming" you Frankie, just merely warning the scrapbooking community members who choose to come read our site. We are not forcing them to read or participate.

6. Actually it's an honor that we come after you. It means you are important to us. --- I don't think it's that YOU are important to US. It is that we are civil human beings, that have normal emotions and were hurt by you. We just don't want to see that to happen to anyone else out there. Some people are strong. Some people are fragile. Some people are just crazy.......like you!


  1. LOL That is like saying.... being on the Top 10 Most Wanted list for being a criminal is an honor because everyone in America wants you! hahahaaaaa

  2. Ha ha ha!!! This just totally makes me laugh for some reason. I am sure the Moon Township police have nothing better to do than "watch us closely". Too funny! Maybe that is a good thing though. If her husband is really in the mob as she has threatened so many times, then they will have a good locale on him because of her paranoia! What a waste of human existence. I for one and happy to be able to come here and know that I am not alone. This blog/support group is good for all of her victims. Yes, victims - MT PD... we are victims. Period. This crazy nut job has harassed every woman that has posted on this board, much like a stalker would. So if you are watching, please note that in your records.

  3. Again, you've called her bluff with the CORRECT information.
    And her stupid little post only confirms the fact that she DID NOT write that letter OR the apology! WHAT A MORON! Come on girl, use your spell check for ONCE in your life...

  4. Love the responses to Frankie's comment. She honestly can't believe she has any kind of a case against us. We are a group of women that she harassed and stalked. She needs to be placed in a padded cell somewhere and be made to listen to taped messages of herself ranting and raving, cursing like a sailor.
