Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inside View

Anonymous said...

OMG!! OMG!! She is a STALKER....Frankie must have been on this site recently...because the FAKE HEART ATTACK post is back up...and of course I went back and searched the original person who posted and now it shows AGAIN!!!! HA HA HA...she is stalking this site too and then she goes back and she re-does her site to undo her mistakes and lies...OMG...HEY SKANKIE FRANKIE....YOU'RE PATHETIC!
Maybe you should read this and think...I better ban everyone that's on my site right now...because I'm someone you think you can trust1!! STUPID FOOL!!!

Oh man, Frankie, you pissed somebody off IN YOUR GROUP!
The fake heart attack post is up because she knows she is being watched.
I seriously feel sorry for her poor kids who have to cover dearest mommy's lies!


  1. What goes around comes around, she finally has people stalking her!

  2. Isn't that what she wanted all along?
    People to follow her around like drones and worry about her every move?
    The only difference is, no one following her cares...they just want to see her fall.
    I don't think she cares...she loves all attention...good or bad...as long as they are looking at the crazy skanky franky.

  3. She does love all of the attention...I just can't wait to see her fall. It will be such a great day in the scrapping world when she does!!

  4. She has tried to bring so many down with her fake accounts, abusive emails, threats, and bad mouthing on her site. It is about time someone stands up to her and tells the truth.
    Kudos to you for standing against her tirades of abuse and reign of terror!

  5. IMHO, Frankie is a white trash, uneducated, piece of shit who thrives on being a bully and playing on the sympathy of others. If she fell off the face of the Earth, I would be the first to send out party invitations. She is nothing but dog crap on the wheels of a garbage truck.

    If she thinks that somebody can have a heart attack and then spend only one day in the hospital, she's more of a freak than I ever thought. My gosh woman, this is what, like your fifth heart attack. You should be on life support.

    What does her hubby do during all of this? Oh, I forgot. He didn't even know she had a site until the whole tax fraud thing got started. Then he shit a brick, I'm sure. Heck, he's just glad that Krankie has something to do and leaves him alone. He probably was praying it was a heart attack and wishing that "this had been the big one".

    I think I will start taking bets as to when Frankentstein will have her next heart attack. How about $1 per entry and we can use the money to pay for this site! Sound familiar? Oh wait... the site is free!!!

  6. More lies and more lies...then just keep coming in droves. I've been a member for over a year, and in the time I've been there we've had new members join about two or three a month, then over the last two months...hmmm isn't that when this site went up???? There has been an adundance of NEW MEMBERS signing up..funny thing..I never see them post, upload layouts to the gallery and they don't have AVATARS?? Don't get me wrong a couple are REAL with what seems REAL pics...but no postings, no layouts, nothing....hmmmm...Frankie are you up to your old tricks? Creating fake people to pump your site??? LOSER!!!

  7. OH MY WORD. She is completely delusional. I for one don't believe that she's enjoying THIS type of attention. When she's having to cover her ass for a fib, I really think she's freaking out and cursing the hell outta this blog bwahahaha!

  8. I noticed the list on the sidebar of the blog. She has a ton more names she uses. You need to find them all. Everyone, put them in the comments, and they can update the list.
