Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Frankie threatens more people

With legal action.
I would like to say her threats will not shut us down or keep members trying to leave.
Frankie has now done so many illegal actions I would love for her to talk to the DA or an attorney.
In fact if anyone has her emails and screen shots of her scams please let us know.

Maybe we can send them to the Pennsylvania DA's office and have her thrown in jail for tax fraud.
It is in fact illegal to claim your board is non profit and accept donations.
deleting it does not help, all board records are kept.
I am sure we can ask about getting a warrant to search all erased board messages and donation requests.

Frankie, when you are doing illegal things and deleting them....just FYI, they do not actually disappear this is the internet and computers honey, it lasts a lifetime!
I would be more careful what you write and delete. Paypal records of al your donations can be legally obtained and used against you in a court of law.

Almost all donations were made through paypal.

If you made a donation through paypal, please print and keep your records.
Report them to the IRS. And if it comes down to it we can send them in to the District Attorney as proof of her scam. They love cases like this.


  1. bahaha
    now thats funny stuff
    her threatening this blog and other people
    when she is doing
    something illegal daily
    doe she think her sh*t dont
    stink or what
    crazy lady
    she needs meds

    i have paypal statements
    i would be happy to send them in
    do you have the district attorneys info
    i can use her info from my paypal

    i will make copies and send them in today

  2. FYI.........even if you don't have your Paypal receipts, you can easily obtain them. Just review the history on your account.

  3. I am sick and tired of Frankie threatening us and others with her "talked to my attorney". She thinks this is harassment? I don't think so. I and many others have kept the emails and messages/texts she has sent us. They are threatening and vulgar. We have the Paypal receipts too. I have called my dear friend, the Attorney General of our State, and he agrees we have a valid case. She has nothing. If she doesn't stop her ways, she is done.

  4. I would love to direct her to IRS Publication 525. Yes, she is correct, she has the right to ask for donations. Heck, if you want to donate to me, you can! You can donate to anybody. HOWEVER, all monies received must be reported as income, per IRS Pub 525. I'll bet her "attorney" didn't bother to tell her that she has to consult with an accountant regarding what is and is not taxable....she should be reported to the IRS...you can call the IRS hotline and report her for tax evasion or failure to claim income, if you believe that she is not going to include donations on her taxes.

  5. There is a thing called electronic harrassment. It is a federal offense to harrass people on the phone, so emails and stuff should be an issue too. She hasn't personally attacked me, but I'm curious, has anyone reported her harrassment to any type of authority?

  6. She hasn't talked to any attorney...please. A smart attorney wouldn't touch this crap with a ten foot pole. First, her site is loaded with illegal actions, including falsely advertising celebrities and manus. If I were a betting woman, I would say that Frankie is walking around with a LOAD in her drawers...she knows she's cooked. The problem is, she isn't smart enough to know how to fix it...not to mention the fact that her super-sized ego gets in the way! Heck, I've even thrown out the "I've talked to my lawyer" b-s before just to scare someone else. I think the saying "you can't kid a kidder" applies to this situation with Frankie. Girl, we've got you...admit it.

  7. The only reason she is threatening legal action is because she is backed into a corner.
    She took monies and claimed non-profit.
    I can take money from anyone, but claiming to be a non-profit and not claiming it on your taxes is illegal. The IRS site says she doe snot qualify to be a non-profit because it is not a legal business and has no TAX ID or license.
