Thursday, March 26, 2009

Frankie's personal attacks

One of the first thing Frankie does when you do not follow her around blindly kissing her to attack you personally.
The 2 attacks we on the blog team have heard the most are...

Fat Bitch
Horrible Mother

Let's put this into perspective today.

Fat Bitch, she uses that or Fat Ass for anyone who is over 100 pounds and she brags of being 45 pounds and anorexic.
First dear, we would rather be fat then CRAZY, and secondly who are you to judge anyone's weight, or parenting ability?
I hate to digress to...."people in glass houses should not throw stones" but let's face it.

To all the survivors of Frankie's abuse, I leave you this message.
Frankie is crazy, she is a controlling manipulative woman who should in fact be on medication or locked up.
It does not matter why. Just remember, what she says, no matter how hurtful...has no credibility.
Because she is crazy.

Honestly she is a big joke in the scrap community, seriously....on the back boards of many forums and online communities they laugh at her and her board and spread the word about this blog.
Most of the boards have either banned her or asked her to leave, so nothing Frankie says should ever bother you or mean anything.


  1. Where in the world did you find that picture of gosh it is perfect!!!!

  2. ROFLMAO!!!
    Where did you get that picture of FM? It is such a great likeness! People laugh at Frankie and her site. She needs to take some of those monetary donations and buy something other than soup and Dasani water!

  3. don't worry....she is going to use that money for her cruise coming up!!

  4. I wonder if she calls Shannon a fat ass now that she's still holding on to some of the baby weight from that ugly baby, Tinsley?

  5. She calls everyone a fat ass. Because it is the ONLY thing she is NOT, everything else she calls people, she is to the tenth degree.
    Whore, bad mother, bitch, skank, loser, leech, bad christian, you get the idea.
    Being overweight is the ONLY thing she is not.

  6. I bet Richie can't wait to go to college and get away from his skanky mother. She seems to be all into his business. Once he's gone, I bet Richard kicks her ass to the curb.

  7. I keep looking at that picture and cracking up!
