Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Making Memories Responds!!!!

****PLEASE POST******

I emailed Making Memories and this is the response I got today from them:

Dear ***********,

Thanks so much for writing, and for sharing your concern. We were unaware that Making Memories was listed as a sponsor, or was in any way referenced as an affiliate of the site. Frequently, we do contribute product donations to companies that are hosting major online events or fundraising promotions. Please know that when we make a contribution, it does not suggest or imply sponsorship or affiliation unless we have contracted such a relationship. Neither is the case in this instance.

Let me know if you have further questions.



Making Memories in fact is NOT I repeat NOT a sponsor of Frankie's site.
Just another lie, I know, BIG shocker right?
She might have told them she is fundraising (for her so called NON-PROFIT site) or was having a major crop, so they might have donated, but in NO WAY are they sponsoring her or her site.

YAH! I can buy MM now with no worries.
Thank you blog reader


  1. ha! I knew it, what a lying whore!!!

  2. BUSTED.....yeah, I'm YELLING this at you, Skank.....BUSTED!!!!!!! wahahahahahaha!
    I KNEW MM had better since than THAT :P

  3. Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, why lie?
    You spend so much time lying and covering your stupid lies, and scamming innocent people, you could use that to learn to scrap or put it towards charity.
    What is wrong with you?
    Maybe it is time to step back, take a long hard look at your life and change.
    Shut down the board, start scrapbooking, and stop spending 24/7 online.

  4. HaaaHaaaHaaaa!!! Busted is right!!!

    Obviously Krankie hasn't learned yet that we can and will expose her for what she is, a lying cheat. Wonder if the MM legal department has started their action against Frankie yet. I'm sure their attorney will be sending their notifications to Krankie soon.

  5. Anonymous said...

    Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, why lie?
    You spend so much time lying and covering your stupid lies, and scamming innocent people, you could use that to learn to scrap or put it towards charity.
    What is wrong with you?
    Maybe it is time to step back, take a long hard look at your life and change.
    Shut down the board, start scrapbooking, and stop spending 24/7 online.
    March 11, 2009 6:52 AM

    I concur, or maybe spend a little time trying to find those children you gave up, or were taken away.
    Try being a GOOD PERSON and MOM first, stalk and abuse people second you hypocrite.

    You call people bad mothers, FAT, stupid, UGLY....HEELLLOOOOO people in glass houses....

  6. Yeah, her glass house is loaded with will implode SOON and (thanks to this blog) we'll all sit with popcorn in hand to watch it CRUMBLE!

  7. Get the sedatives ready Krankie! The shit is going to hit the fan very soon! You thought your entire DT resigning was bad. Wait until you see what is instore for you next. Bwaaahaaahaaahaaahaaa..............

  8. like i said before....this just keeps getting better and better every day!!

  9. I would rather be FAT than someone like Frankie!

  10. Anonymous said...
    I would rather be FAT than someone like Frankie!

    March 11, 2009 10:39 AM

    Yea, we can lose weight. She's always going to be a psycho bitch!

  11. FRANKIE LOU9 CAUDLE (SAM FRANK "SONNY"8, HERBERT MARVIN7, DORA BELL6 PATRICK, MARTHA FRANCES5 JONES, URIAH4, AMBROSE3, AMBROSE2, THOMAS1) was born August 23, 1954 in Independence, Kansas. She married (2) JOE FREDERICKS Abt. 1983 in Unknown. He was born Unknown in Unknown. She married (3) RICHARD KEITH MARTIRE II August 04, 1989 in Dillon, South Carolina, son of RICHARD MARTIRE and BARBARA MERTURIO. He was born July 08, 1964 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

    iii. HILARY MARIE10 FREDERICKS, b. September 24, 1984, Flint, Michigan.
    Event 1: Abt. 1988, Hilary was left in custody of father.

  12. any updates from the mole today? i am waiting patiently!!

  13. At least I know I am a good mother, and her words did not hurt me as much, but some of the puke she spews is downright wrong.
    Digging into people about their faith and their children. She is just f****** up!
    She can say I am a horrible mother every day and it won't make it true, but she will always be truly crazy!

    She posted a whole thread about how Jenny wrote to her and how they send all sorts of stuff out without needing to be recognized. Let me see if I can copy the thread....
    Announcement about Making Memories
    by Frankie on Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:26 pm

    Ok so with all the stuff going on saying that MM stuff was things I bought I contacted Jenny Weston and told her.

    She said that in fact I nor any site that gets a package from MM actually even ever has to say or mention them at all. That when you send in a sponsor email asking for supplies that they willingly donate them to the site for whatever purpose we want.

    So, YES Jenny Weston from MM sent me a amazing package as did Nat Patruzo of Zutter BUT what I now know is that its not necessary for you to say Sponsored by MM or Zutter. :)
    So when you do your kit from MM you just need to say Kit provide my MMFY :)

    Thanks ladies for waiting for the information
    And Kat, we do NOT have to list them in the ezine UNLESS we submit the work created and then of course we can say All creations shown were made with the product that MM sent to MMFY for donation

    :) she's got a new tune...It's not SPONSORING...It's a donation from Making Memories.
    I've also noticed that she didn't send anything to her latest DT's she only sent stuff too new sign either she didn't really send anything out or she sent it to unsuspecting poor souls that will be outcasted in the near future....LOL

  15. ROFL!!!!!!!!!
    So after over a year of claiming she is being sponsored, now she tells the real story? Or part of it!
    YEA to this blog and forcing Frankie to tell the truth!
    You are backing her into a Krankie corner!
    She is not and will never be sponsored, she is a fucking lying bitch!

  16. Frankie doesn't know how to tell the truth about anything. She makes up more lies to cover the lies she told yesterday. The email she got from Jenny was probably a fake that she made up. Wonder what new lie she is telling today?
