Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More of Frankie's Lies

We will not promote nor post any links that Skankie...err...Krankie...err....Board Nazi.....err....Drunken ....err....Frankenstien is working on, We do not want to support her crazy antics and we want to stay away from her opinions as well as her spin on her own lies and deceitful behaviour.
This is and always will be a FRANKIE M. FREE ZONE

Hey Krankie, we do not care what you are doing, as long as it is not abuse, lying,or scamming people. Something you seem incapable of for more than 24 hours.
So keep stalking us baby!


  1. Amen to that, do not promote anything she is working on.
    I WILL NOT go to any link she posts or anyone else posts about her.

  2. Stay away from Frankie!!!

  3. Krankie started anew blog directed at her MOLE, sharing the details of her every day life, about her shower habits and laundry habits, but she neglects to include the mass hate emails, the hours she spends typing up sponsorship lies, the hours she logs in here at this blog obsessing over every detail, and the hours she puts into figuring out who is running this blog and who her mole is.

    She also fails to mention the hours she COULD be spending with her family and children, the hours she COULD be spending with her grandchildren and taking care of herself.

    She refuses to mention the many hours she spends typing up her "heart attacks" and the late night hours she spends in a drunken stuper, or pretending to be for attention.

    She "forgets" to mention all the time she spends on pouring over every word on her site and deleting the post she made in anger the night before. Or going through the private PM's on her site inspecting to see who is bad mouthing her.

    The hours she spends making fake accounts in ex members message boards, and fake emails to make those fake accounts are missing as well.

    Come on Frankie, if you are supposedly blogging the truth, then all those things would be included...or would that make you look like a crazy insane shrew??
