Sunday, March 8, 2009


Anonymous said...

I see she's changed her home page message again. I guess she's trying to "talk" to us through her site. She's paid for 2 more years? Sure she did. She's so cheap that I can't see how or why she already paid. It was just a couple of months ago that she was begging for money to pay for this year.

March 7, 2009 4:31 PM

That was yesterday and already today she has changed her message again. Now she is strictly an online scrapbook community who wants us to "come join us". Krankie must be suffering because she has "unbanned" several people who she had once removed from her site. I guess it looks bad when you only have a dozen site members and you try to solicit for sponsors.

It started me thinking, and it really shouldn't matter if her "business" is suffering though. She really doesn't have a business. She doesn't make or produce anything, nor does she provide any type of real service. Her site is a "club". Now that it's a private club, how will she expect to grow into a business? As for her paying for two years in advance, I agree with the comment left yesterday. The entire time I was a member on her site, she complained about the cost involved and begged for money. So why then pay for 24 months in advance. Why not just close down the site?


  1. It's obvious that she has to pay to have people to talk to her.

    I wonder if she has to pay her son to hang out with her.

  2. She does beg for money and I am ashamed to admit that I fell into her scam. I gave money on several ocassions, I supplied her with all sorts of goodies to giveaway. I even fell for the biggest scam...I can't talk about it now..since I'm still on her site...but not for long. I will out soon. I'm stuck for a bit, I still changing passwords to all sorts of stuff, changing my cell phone number and even my house number...once I've got all my ducks in a row!! I'm gone! And then I will post here using my NAME...I'm no longer afraid, I'm no longer worried...I'm taking proper measures!

  3. I concur, her site is not a business so whether it fails or not is completely irrelevant.
    It is not like she is a small scrap business, she just controls a private club from which every person who has ever entered has been banned except the 10 people that are either new or stay for more abuse.
    Shutting her down does not hurt anyone, except her ability to abuse, demean and control others.

  4. You go girls! Keep Krankie on the run!!
    This is the first time in her life someone has stood up to her abuse and it scares her.
    She is a COWARD just like any abuser is deep down!
    You keep up the good work.

    Every ABUSER needs someone to stand up to them and say "ENOUGH" so you keep going until she is shut down!!!!

    She has hurt too many, and she will never stop unless someone stands against her.

  5. Th reason she keeps it open? It covers her scams of begging for money and claiming, she runs a non-profit "business" while she takes the money and goes on cruises. No one is above the law, not even her!

  6. She unbanned me and I have been banned for over a year now, and she used to threaten to kill me.
    Getting desperate Frankie? I have not received an apology yet, heck...even a fake one would be nice.
    How about an apology letter telling everyone that you are not in the mob and will not murder anyone, that you are just a little crazy.
    And you promise never to abuse or mass spam anyone again or ask for even one more penny!!
    How about that?????

  7. Yes Krankie, post an apology here and close down your site. Then and only then we will stop with our mission.

  8. She's been nothing but sweet as pie over the last week on her site. Nothing riles her up, nothing has her upset. She even posted an thread about this site and how it's all lies and it doesn't upset her any more...she doesn't care. She's just happily scrapping away!!!
    Just wait til she gets hit with another blow of ladies who are going to leave her high and dry.
    Another group of ladies waiting to lower the boom on her SKANKY FRANKIE ARSE...she's a trailer trash loser!
