Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Update from "The Mole"

This is great! I would like to remind people that Frankie said she did not and would not "stalk" our site and our blogs. Well, the proof is in the pudding, (whatever that means)...

Anonymous said...

UPDATE FROM THE INSIDE MOLE...This one is going to crack you all up. So, Krankie, has started a new post called "INFO for the MOLE", it has tidbits about her daily..such as laundry, cooking, scrapping...seems she has dropped by here one too many times and now thinks she's turning the tables on me. Krankie even states that I'm pathetic because I come to hang out at her site to see what she is up to??? Funny, HEY KRANKIE...the only way you would know about this is because YOU COME HERE...LOSER!! I don't go to your sorry site to see what your lonely life is about...I go there to see what new lies, manipulation and stalking craziness you are upto...So, come read here what I have to say about you...OH..yeah and go tell the police too...I'm soo scared little baby...I've got loads of emails with nasty stuff from believe me..if they are really watching...YOU ARE GOING TO BE THE ONE IN BIG TROUBLE!!!!Now back to here loser postings....What I find even funnier she does list all the drinking she does? Or the fights with her son, daughter or husband??? And I know you drink like a FISH KRANKIE...should I tell them about your foolish BINGO a couple of weeks ago. I guess this will be a two part update...a couple of weeks ago, it seems that KRANKIE SKANKY was upset about this she went on a drinking binge..then showed up online for BINGO...she was sloshed..she couldn't even type was sad and pathetic behavior from a 50+ OLD HAG!!! The next day she thought it was funny...but you were the only one KRANKIE...the rest of us were laughing AT YOU...not with you!!! So stalk us here can't stay in a good mood forever...whenever people PRETEND to be something they are NOT it does blow up in their face and sometimes is 10X fold then the go FREAK OUT and give me something juicy to talk about...LOSER!!!

March 11, 2009 12:47 PM


  1. LOL -- way to go,MOLE! You know she's not getting a WINK of sleep at night, trying to figure out who her MOLE is!

  2. Wow awesome job from the inside loving it what goes around comes around

  3. Whatsa matta Krankie?? Lies catching up to ya real fast? Kind of like flying shit??

  4. Don't fool yourselves, all she is getting from this blog (and her 500 hits a day on here) is...learning how to lie more efficiently and cover her ass better!
    Believe me she will never stop, she is a lifetime criminal. Albeit one of the dumbest criminals ever.

  5. Krankie and her drunk typing. I don't know if she really drinks that much or it's just an act. Since she only eats soup and drinks Dasani bottled water, it probably doesn't take much to get her schloshed.

  6. She says she isn't going to "waste her time" coming to check on this blog. Sure...
    She is probably responsible for a couple hundred hits each day. She has no life, no friends and a family that is so dysfunctional that they don't even talk to her.

  7. I love "The Mole" and would love to put her on the payroll. Keep up the good work!!!

  8. Anonymous said...

    Krankie and her drunk typing. I don't know if she really drinks that much or it's just an act. Since she only eats soup and drinks Dasani bottled water, it probably doesn't take much to get her schloshed.
    March 11, 2009 4:48 PM

    Everything she does is an ACT, HEAR ME NOW FRANKIE??? YEA I AM YELLING AT YOU BITCH!


  9. I saw the drunken bingo chat. It was crazy. It made NO sense at all! Man I wish I would have kept it.

    I'll stay away from her blog. I don't need her seeing my IP on there as well.
