Monday, March 16, 2009

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through that horrible experience with MMFU. Please know that you will never experience that type of behavior on another message board. When I left MMFU, I too questioned whether I wanted to continue scrapping again. It took me several months to decide to join another scrap community and return to scrapbooking. I want her so called "sponsors" and manufacturers who send her product donations to realize she is turning a lot of people off scrapbooking. Not just message boards but SCRAPBOOKING! That means these potential customers are no longer buyer their products. Think about it....
March 16, 2009 5:01 AM

For every person Frankie turns off scrapbooking, that is one less customer for who knows how long.
Think about it, even one month less of scrapbooking can be into the hundreds of dollars depending on who it is.
So are you donating to stop scrapbooking?
Donating or sponsoring Frankie, is potentially ending someone's scrapbooking life because of her abuse!

Who else has stopped scrapping because of her abuse? Or stopped for a few months?


  1. This is so true!! Not only does she need to stop torturing, stalking, humiliating, etc...the scrapbooker but she needs to be stopped turning people off from this wonderful hobby. Scrapbooking is about showing your love for your family, letting your creativity out and making sure that your memories and stories are told for future generations. Look what this bitch is doing...she is making people so upset and hurt that the love of their families and their love of this hobby will cease if she lets them. She is not a scrapbooker...she has no love in her family and no love in her wonder her layouts suck!!

  2. I am so glad I found this site and I feel a little better than I know it's not just me she was picking on :( (not that I am wishing this on anyone else) She told me that she prayed everyday that my cancer would return and she hoped that I would die a slow, painful and tortured death. It is hard to believe that any human could say something so beyond awful especially since the only thing that I ever 'did' to her was be active on more than one message board. She 'screamed' at me by email and banned me because she 'found out' that I went to other message boards besides here...apparently that is some sort of deadly sin according to her :(

  3. Anonymous said...

    I am so glad I found this site and I feel a little better than I know it's not just me she was picking on :( (not that I am wishing this on anyone else) She told me that she prayed everyday that my cancer would return and she hoped that I would die a slow, painful and tortured death. It is hard to believe that any human could say something so beyond awful especially since the only thing that I ever 'did' to her was be active on more than one message board. She 'screamed' at me by email and banned me because she 'found out' that I went to other message boards besides here...apparently that is some sort of deadly sin according to her :(
    March 16, 2009 7:03 AM

    Wow, I would say that shocks me but knowing Frankie, it does not shock me.
    This is how evil she is.
    I am sorry she said that to you. I am sorry you had to deal with her and were not allowed to play anywhere else.
