Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We Have It

Here is the verbiage that was originally on her website. After we said we were claiming the donations on our taxes, she quickly removed it from her site.

Anonymous to me show details Feb 6 Reply

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Things that make you go hmmmmm....":

Make donationMaking Memories For You is a formation suplying services with no intention of any revenue. Anyone who wants to support this formation can do it by donating so that the cost of server, the domain and etc. could be paid of.
After selecting the amount which you want to donate from the menu, you can go on by clicking on the picture of PayPal. $ 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 -----------------------------
You know she wrote this and put it on her homepage. Check out the grammar and spelling. By the way, she fully intends on making money with this site. She calls it "her business". A business has a revenue stream. She hasn't figured that out yet though.
I use to send her money just to shut her up. I got tired of the poor-mouthing.


  1. Terrible grammar, poor spelling and punctuation. Wonder if she even graduated school. Maybe she has "street smarts"...........

    doubt it!

  2. I hate that I gave her money. Over the year I probably gave her 50 to 100 bucks counting gifts for prizes. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I still have my Paypal receipts so I can claim it on my taxes.

  3. It's not like her mb even gives's a way for Frankie to control her own little part of the world...too bad she can't get a REAL business instead of pretending she's a business owner. I only gave her $10...thank GOD...and do you know she couldn't even say THANK YOU...instead I get an email, that said, "What is this for?" Like it wasn't enough...what a scam.
