Saturday, February 28, 2009

Another one bites the dust...

Re: NAME quit
by Frankie on Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:12 am
she is a lazy biach and I am sick of coddling GROWN WOMEN, folks grow up, you have to make 10 posts a day??? I can do that in 10 minutes......upload your FREE KIT on the 1st of a month...I can do that in 10 minutes... and submit ONE article...>MISS I WORK FOR A NEWSPAPER CANT DO THAT????NO wonder she had a ISSUE at her job..... I bet your sweet ass that if she missed 3 articles at her newspaper she wouldnt have a job.. I never fired her ass, she quit..So if you think I care...Trust me you would be mistakenThat is why I REFUSE to EVER let anyone be a DT for more than a month at a time. just dont need the drama.

It's clear to see that Frankie has not changed, not one bit. This post was from her site, but now it's mysteriously gone. Frankie realized that it makes her look stupid and crazy, so after her rage subsided, she removed it. This crazy woman has some serious anger issues among other things. I wonder how many psycho emails and messages she left for this poor girl? If only other members from her site would realize that she will turn on them too. It may be next week or next month, but as soon as they stop being the "yes men" that she needs, she will attack them too.


  1. So no one is allowed to be on the DT for more than one month at a time and ShopCropSuey and Pencil Lines condones that?? Seriously??

    How insane is that one statement alone?

  2. You would think that she'd be on her best behaviour with this blog out there for the whole world to see! I truly goes to show that she has no control over her anger. Can you imagine meeting her face to face? I wonder how many people she's physically assulted??? Give her a white coat and a 4x4 cell; it's most fitting.

  3. So she dictates that you make at least 10 posts a day? What other craziness is there? If you don't post 10 a day she yells at you and sends you nasty emails? If you decide to quit she posts this crap on her site?

  4. Yep, she calls out everyone who doesn't follow her rules. I can't imagine getting that angry over the number of posts. I've had a DT and frankly they posted (on average) way more than 10 time a day, but it was up to them, what they had going on and because they wanted to! You can always spot a post that's less than enthusiastic...why even bother if you can't do it and mean what you say.

  5. Hi. I am the one who is being talked about in this post. Earlier this week she posted for the DT that she was releasing us from our contracts, that we just needed to upload our items on the first. I thought about it and then last night replied that I was taking her up on her offer. I would post my stuff and stick around, basically. Immediately thereafter I felt the wrath of Frankie in a post that said NO, we were not allowed to quit, she'd spoken to her lawyer, we'd have to pay for the kits blah blah blah. I copied her original post and said it must be her intention to go back on her word then and that I would, indeed be quitting. That is when she unleashed her full fury. (ha) This morning she found my COF/critique group on and began harassing me and my friends to the point where we had to ignore her and turn her in. In addition, she went into several threads at her dumb 'zine and changed several posts to appear as though I'd said and done things that I didn't, and I'm told she also changed the posts about letting us quit or whatever. Total freak of nature, that one is. Good riddance, I say. I just really wish I'd known before getting involved. :(

  6. {{{HUGS}}} Girl, everyone rues the day Frankie ever darkened their world wide web!

  7. V....I am so sorry that you have had to go through this too...that is the one thing that has made me so sad and sick to my stomach...that we can't get to everybody before this happens to them and it WILL happen to everyone who is associated with that woman sooner or later. That is why this blog is so needed because in some instances it is the only way to warn others of what is going to happen to them if they continue on with the likes of her. My heart just hurts for you though that you are going through this as well as the rest of us. She needs to be stopped...and she needs to be stopped now. I am scared for a member over there AussieKat....she is planning on a trip to Frankie's house and spending time there...days there...oh my can you even imagine the horrible things that could happen to that poor girl.
