Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vulgar Language

Anonymous said...

Associating with Frankie is like poison. People may think this is a joke or like scrapsmack but it's not. Innocent women/men are being stolen from and harassed in the name of "non-profit" and scrapbooking. This needs to end, she needs to shut down her site. I know she took off the non-profit claims and donation button but that does not mean it was not illegal. It just means she got caught. I was emailed over 50 times in one day by her, calling me a whore, bitch, and every other name. I had to block her emails and IM's and phone calls. It got so bad I pondered going to the police. When I told her I would be contacting the police in my area she finally stopped calling me. This was 7 months ago and she still comes to my blog daily, and leaves horrible messages about wanting me to die and my children to not have their horrible mother around. That is not right. No self respecting business should want to be associated with that kind of person. I know there are emails she has sent. Someone should post them here and black out the names. Just to show how truly nasty she is. What she is capable of. Frankie told me her husband was in the mob and would murder me. That is just wrong. Thank goodness I am an adult and understand she needs medication. But who says that?
February 25, 2009 12:11 PM

People need to share their stories here so that they can be a warning for others. I too received the horrible e-mails with the vulgar language. I have kept them in a file, just in case. She used to call me at all hours of the day and night too. She would curse and rant & rave about people on the her site and what idiots they were. She bad-mouthed everyone from Kit Club owners to other message board owners. I just don't understand why this woman is so bitter and so horribly rude. You want to see some of the things she emailed? Keep reading. If you don't want to see the bad language, quit reading now!

This went to a sponsor:
first of all who the hell do you think you are emailing my members.....[NAME] has NEVER bought from your site and never emailed you so dont know how you got her PERSONAL EMAIL addy...I did NOT remove your fucking store its on the top moon if you fucking came to the board you would know this.. also I emailed and told you I put your shoppe in the water cooler along with the other businessess so you are walking on thin ice missy and dont ever fucking email a member on my board again. POST your FUCKING SALE YOURSELF its allowed... dum ass if you were a active member you would know it. again like I said also we had a crop where the fuck were you???? EXACTLYyou didnt actually think [NAME] wouldnt tell me about your throwing me under the bus did you?? dont ever do it again.

This was an email sent to a member:
If any of you EVER want to ask me about my past ASK
DONT fucking sneak your asses around like [NAME].. ITS the PAST and had NOTHING to do with the site.... Lets see what is in all of your pasts.... And girls... if you EVER think you can trust [NAME] who would PM me on my cell and throw it up to be that I lost a child during divorce then GOD HELP YOU ALL
That is Nobody I would EVER want to associate with. [NAME], you are out of my life. NEVER email, or send me a text. I will be praying that you get back on your medication and stop the sluething into folks lives. Its MY LIFE and has nothing to do with you. So asking me how Shane was and telling me to say Hi to him when you must of known I had not seen him in over 30 years is cruel...even for your FAT ASS. I gave Shane up for adopting WHY because I was anorexic and weighed on a GOOD DAY 42 lbs I was living in a wheel chair and couldnt take care of a child.. or myself... Then as for my daughter My LOVELY EX stole her and I havent seen her in over 25 years...She phoned me last year and told me what I knew she would... her dad loved her and that he said "I left" well what did you think he would say..... BUT hey [NAME] you are so fricking good at finding out things maybe you can help??????? Fat bitch.. And so there you have it and of course that was Something that IS YOUR BUSINESS RIGHT????? OF COURSE IT IS>>>>>>>>>> WHY CAUSE [NAME] THINKS IT IS....
So here is a tip for all of you....

[NAME 1],. watch your DH as his affair will BLOW you out of the water when it comes out...and it will lol you are going to SHIT when you find out who its with lol....OMG please please let me know when you hear it..

[NAME 2] when you go to CHURCH??? IF you really do? Pray to God to forgive you for participating in a online GAME of hurting a person.I have never done a damn thing to you BUT ask you why the Frick you DID not do 2 assignments.... GET OVER IT.

[NAME 3] ? I dont even know what to say to you except beware that [NAME] spoke ill of you and your autistic child.. she thinks you need to stop running to islands and vacations with your boyfriend and take care of your child.
BUT then how the hell would she know what to do....she doesnt have any kids...> GOD got that right...

I share these because it shows how unstable and vulgar Frankie can be. She lies and likes to "stir up" trouble. The only person who would take pot shots like these are Frankie herself. The people attacked in these emails are good people who I call friends.


  1. See? This is the Krankie I know!!!
    She may appear normal temporarily but then all hell breaks loose.

    Anyone who reads this....consider yourself forewarned.
    Sponsors? Consider yourself warned. This is not about attacking Krankie and ruining her life, it is about the TRUTH

  2. I have seen the most inappropriate and demeaning comments made by her on the site. I don't understand how she can talk to people like that. Totally unprofessional.

  3. Wow, such personal attacks! What a low class, uneducated person. Not only is she showing her own ignorance, she is showing how cold hearted she really is. I would like to know what the deal is with her giving up her kids though. Frankie bad mouthed other people for not taking care of their kids and even said some people should be sterilized. So what, she has more kids than Shannon and Ritchie? Is Heather her daughter? Who is Shane?

  4. Wow so much hate in her heart. So much blackness in her soul. Sad really.

  5. Reading this emails all over again just makes me sad and angry! How could I let somebody into my life that was like this? How could I let her treat me like she did, watch how she treated others and not get the heck out of there immediately? I am just so thankful that I am not a part of her crazy screwed up life anymore!!

  6. You know what Frankie? Nobody gives a crap about your past. The person who you think was digging into your past was not the person who did it. Also, she is not somebody who masterminded anything against you. All she did was speak up to a few people to mention how unhappy she was with your actions against your site members. She didn't approve of the way you talked to people and she didn't like the way that you publicly humiliated them on the site. She said she was quitting the DT and the rest of us had been feeling the same way. So we all decided to quit. To put it in terms Frankie can understand...........

    We quit because of the rude way you treat people. We left because of your two-faced personality. The only reason we posted those good-bye threads on your board was because we knew, based on your history, that as soon as we quit the DT you would ban us from your site.

  7. She told me some really bad stuff about a girl named Robin that owns a kit site. And this was before I even really knew her. Who does that? Why would she bad mouth someone to me when she doesn't even really know me?
    She talked to the wrong person. Once I find out who Robin is, I'm going to show her the emails.

  8. Out of her own mouth..."my DT can't be on any other DTs. PERIOD." I asked about the fact that her coordinator was on another DT...she said, "Well she's different..." HUH? I should have known then that the only rules she plays by are her own.

    I need to talk to you about the kit club owner "Robin"...we need to get in touch somehow...

  9. it girls! If I were Frankie, I'd start marking my days with a big ole X
