Saturday, February 28, 2009


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another one bites the dust...":

Hi. I am the one who is being talked about in this post. Earlier this week she posted for the DT that she was releasing us from our contracts, that we just needed to upload our items on the first. I thought about it and then last night replied that I was taking her up on her offer. I would post my stuff and stick around, basically. Immediately thereafter I felt the wrath of Frankie in a post that said NO, we were not allowed to quit, she'd spoken to her lawyer, we'd have to pay for the kits blah blah blah. I copied her original post and said it must be her intention to go back on her word then and that I would, indeed be quitting. That is when she unleashed her full fury. (ha) This morning she found my COF/critique group on and began harassing me and my friends to the point where we had to ignore her and turn her in. In addition, she went into several threads at her dumb 'zine and changed several posts to appear as though I'd said and done things that I didn't, and I'm told she also changed the posts about letting us quit or whatever. Total freak of nature, that one is. Good riddance, I say. I just really wish I'd known before getting involved. :(

I will say it... WOW! So not only is she crazy, she has memory issues too! It didn't take Frankie long to move on to the fresh batch of victims. Yes, you are a victim! Make certain you save those emails and screen shots. Also save any texts or messages she leaves. We are contemplating a class action law suit against Frankie and her site. Nobody should have to deal with a person like this.

If you, or anyone else for that matter, wants to be included in the initial discovery phase of the lawsuit, you can send an email to the mailbox associate with this blog and your information will remain confidential.

BTW check out Frankie's alias LAMBY, she uses it on many boards who have asked her to leave or had to have legal documents drawn up telling her to leave.

See how she freaks out and smears her DT members? Bad mouthing them at any cost?
If she wants no drama, shy is she in under an alias reaming that girl on another board?

This is what she lives for.
Proof she cannot erase. See for yourself!


  1. So when will the sponsors stop supporting this behavior?
    When will Frankenstein take down her site?

  2. I'm so disgusted with everything. I will be exiting her site too. She can take her crap and shove it! I hate how she treats people, I can't stand her lies, I think her behavior is intolerable.
    Get a life, Frankie!

  3. How crazy can crazy be....Frankie
    who let her out of the white jacket ??
    Im so sorry you got hurt by her too and she can be VERY mean. I was admin and dt on a site that she joined and she gave us such a hard time we closed that site and started another one. We have alot of ladies who have had run ins with "Krankie" but were having fun on a site thats "Krankie" free
    You could always check us out of you need a new home after leaving her site

  4. Ha! Notice how she is posting as Lamby but has the same horrid grammar and snotty attitude. She made 3 fake accounts using Lamby in my site.

    Crazy whore Krankie! get off the crack and back on your bi-polar meds! You freak!

  5. Sorry she is so vicious Vel, please do not let this detour you from other boards.She truly is crazy and demands all our time because she has no idea what it is like to have a family or life outside of her board and stalking. She gave away all of her children so she cannot empathize with all of us who are REAL MOTHERS and wives. Her husband hates her and does not pay her any attention so she does not know what a healthy relationship is.If she had some of that, she would not have 20 hours a day to stalk and berate.

  6. fuck you beotches you can all rot in hell
    you just hate me because i have a board and you will go nowhere without me if vel had done her job than she wouldnt have needed to be banned
    if i am giving you kits you need to be on call and do yoor work

  7. Anonymous said...
    fuck you beotches you can all rot in hell
    you just hate me because i have a board and you will go nowhere without me if vel had done her job than she wouldnt have needed to be banned
    if i am giving you kits you need to be on call and do yoor work

    February 28, 2009 9:59 PM

    Frankie, why did you post this as anonymous? We know it is you. Look at the foul language, poor spelling, grammar and punctuation.

    You want us to leave you alone, then close your board, leave the scrapbooking industry, and quit harassing people. You did not "make" any of us. Your site is the biggest joke in the entire scrapbooking world. Nobody hates you because of your board. Anyone can have a board. We hate you because you are rude, obnoxious, vulgar, psychotic, uneducated, a liar, a thief and a cheat. Should I go on with more? You are abusive and controlling. That's why we hate you. Get a life!

  8. So I did as asked, I went on the link provided and read know what I think? I think Lamby is actually Heather. Heather is Frankie's lap dog. Poor thing, she quite the sweet girl with many issues. I think 'Lamby' is doing Frankie's bidding. Why you ask is this my conclusion? Because I'm on the board over at MMFY and some of the info posted by 'Lamby' is a bit someone reading second hand or hearing it second hand and then posting about it.
    I know I was reading as it was happening. I was copying and pasting because I knew Frankie would eventually delete portions of the post. And because only a silly, self-loathing, insecure, desperate to be accepted little girl like, Heather, would be foolish enough to post using other people's real name!! Shame on you are going to get sucked into the wrath of Frankie and you are going to pay dearly for the garbage you wrote over at the other site.
    So for now I have some parting words for you both...
    1. Frankie...your time for failure has arrived.You are a LOSER an old, farty, stupid drunkard who should just finally grow up and leave the REAL scrapper alone. Your layouts are pathetic, your board sucks and you really do look OLD!
    2.'re going to be eating her shit for years if you don't get out now!!!

  9. Thank you ladies for your support and for running this site that has opened my eyes. That was my COF thread that you gave the link to. We have all put "lamby" on ignore. BUT, the very first post she made to our thread was by frankie___ (I can't remember now) and it had her picture as the avi. I went to find it again and it linked to lamby. So I think she is hiding behind that mask. Just so you know. And I'm not posting here under my read name because even though I know you know who I am I'd rather keep my blog etc. clean (for now). KWIM?

    Thanks again...and for those of you who were at MMFY when this all took place and had to read her filthy lies and language, I'm sorry for that. I did what I did as peacefully as I could...she is just incapable of that.

  10. I read the comments and that is totally from Frankie. She even states, "I noticed last month when I told you that your contracts were thrown away..."

  11. Hang in there "V"! We are all behind you!
