Thursday, February 19, 2009

New and Improved

I know you are all disappointed that the last blog was taken down. I want to assure you it was not because of the private fake apologies Krankie sent to only 3 of her ex DT members. It simply was because I could not keep up with the blog.
But now I have a dedicated team of helpers to assist in the blogging and maintenance.

I have also re purposed this blog to warn others of her behavior and this blog will stay up and running until she TAKES DOWN her board and posts a public apology to ALL people she hurt not just 3 ex-DT member.

We did successfully make her stop taking illegal donations. Well on the outside of the board anyways.
Which is a great thing.
But who knows what she does in the privacy of the board.
And I do believe her sponsors need to know she is not sending their items as she claims.
#1 she keeps most of it.
#2 the same few people receive all of the items,that is not advertising, that is hoarding.
#3 do they know that at least 90% of her board member count are in fact banned members?

I believe she should be HONEST for a change and take delete all the numbers of banned members.
Then her total board member count would be less than 50.
Ok, realistically? Less then 20.

So let me know what else she is lying about today?
Why do these type of people get to lie to succeed and still get ahead?

Don't forgot to CLAIM YOUR DONATIONS on your taxes!
Frankie M.
Claim all that you donated on your taxes! She is NOT a non-profit organization!
She is not listed as one legally.


  1. I am definitely claiming her on my taxes, I already did and turned them in last week. Her name, phone number and address are on my sheet of donations.
    I did not get an apology! I was on her DT for a few months. She only cares about appeasing the few who just left, what about the banned ones before? Did she forget how many people hate her and have been harassed by her?
    She told me I was a bad mother.
    She called me a fucking bitch. Do I forget that? No sorry. I will keep coming until her site is gone. She needs to start from 0.

  2. Isn't it funny she could not get sponsors when she was getting hundreds, even thousands of dollars in donations. But now she suddenly can?

    I am just worried about people who are getting scammed by her. Companies who could be using their money for real scrappers and advertising.

  3. Someone needs to contact those companies and let them know about her banned members and infamous behavior. I doubt any legitimate company would want to associate with her.
    Especially if they knew about her donation scheme.
    I am definitely writing up emails today.

  4. Her apologies were a
    scam to close down the blog
    I hope you have the balls
    to keep it running this time

    She has scammed me
    long enough
    I have sent hundreds
    of dollars her way
    No more

    I do want to thank you for stopping her donations requests
    That was a very good thing

    I agree she should take her site down
    It is time

  5. I am so glad that this blog is up and running once again....she thinks she won but seriously she hasn't and we need to continue warning everybody about her until the day comes when her site is down and down for good

  6. Yeah the blog is back! I am surprised her "sponsors" are not concerned with the amount of hostility and negative comments about her site and her antics. Do they know she rigs most of the games/contests so it's not a fair win?
    Or that she keeps the products and then redistributes them as a "Frankie" gift? Someone needs to warn Pencil Lines since she is sponsoring them for a month. I guess when you have the money to create your own site, ezine, and alter id's you too can be like Frankie! Oh wait! She gets suckers to pay for the site by asking for donations each month and then tells everyone how much each person donated to try and start a donating frenzy. This after she embarrasses those unable to donate funds with board messages, phone calls, and emails. All the while prying into your personal life to find your weak spot so she can use that against you when she sees fit. Apologies can not erase humiliation or unkind words she spread regarding myself and my friends.

  7. Anonymous @ 10:04am couldn't have said it any better!

  8. Her apology was meaningless. It was full of excuses for her unacceptable behavior.

  9. She never apologized to the majority of the people she should have apologized to. It was a grand scheme on her part to try and get this blog removed.....hahahahaaaa picked the wrong ones to apologize to cause the blog is back and it is staying!!!

  10. OMG.. I seriously thought she had taken this board down. SO glad she did not!!

    Welcome back!

  11. Well, I wondered what happened,...glad the blog is BACK BABY! YEEHEE! I just assumed that all was well in Frankie land...what a loser as always. I think it's hilarious that she really thought she was getting away with something :P
