Thursday, February 26, 2009


How many times have you heard this from Frankie ---- "Don't let her win, she wins everything." "Don't call that word because so and so will win."

Bingo is Frankie's favorite game and she fixes who is going to win. Is a game of bingo that important? Krankie can't stand to see anyone getting more than she has, including gifts, prizes and attention. She is a control freak when it comes to games and contests. If somebody doesn't follow the unwritten rules, may God help you! Frankie makes stuff up as she goes along and then claims it was always in the rules. She will actually go in and edit posts so it looks like nothing has changed. Unbelievable.


  1. yeah....I remember a bingo game....early on she said DT could play and win and she "really wanted" us to so that the board would look busier. Anyways, I had one more word to go to win and another poor DT member was given the job to tell me that DT weren't allowed to win. Of course I went back and found the post that stated we could play and WIN and when I told the DT member that she knew it was true but Frankie made up her own rules as we went along once again. I mean seriously who would play along with bingo....go through all the freaking trouble to pick and type up words...then make sure we posted every day what our count was or else she would get mad at us then not even be allowed to win. What a freak!! Oh my lord the more I keep remembering about my time there the more I want to throw up!!

  2. Oh yes, I put up my own prize and my own money for the game of Bingo.
    I called words fairly, towards the end she emailed me warning me of being banned if I did not call the words she gave me for a special someone to win.

  3. This is the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. I joined her board out of curiosity, but it was so lame that I never made the first post (yes I did lurk some). Thank the good Lord that I never gave that woman a part of me...time is too precious to be spent with the likes of Stankie Frankie

  4. WOW! What a nutty loon!!

  5. This is disgusting; that she is so low as to fix a GAME for cryin' out has to wonder about her moral character if she can't even set up a stupid Bingo game and run it with some kind of fairness, let alone integrity...

  6. Yep this is all so true I hosted many Bingo games and put up my own prizes and mailing, Frankie informed me of who I could and couldn't let win. She banned and got mad at those that she claimed only came to the play Bingo and win prizes.

  7. See? It is not just one person.
    It is quite literally hundreds. Her sponsors do not understand this is not a small group in the minority that are messing with Krankie.
    They will find out soon enough I suppose but you cannot say they have not been warned!
    Go ahead and sponsor her....don't cry to me when you lose business because of her crazy antics.
    Nothing against you personally, just poor business choices.

    Any company that would support racism or spousal abuse. Or any company that knowingly allowed a man to beat up a woman and hid him.
    You would NEVER do business with them.
    So why do business with people who support Frankie Matire and her abusive habits.

    She threatened to KILL ME! She threatened to send her mob husband to MURDER ME.
    Telling me my children were better off if I was dead and I better watch out because I would be shot down.

    I refuse to associate with any business who supports that behavior.

    And now they have been warned.
    No excuse to keep sponsoring her.

  8. WOW! The Nazi meter has really shot up today! Hmmm, are you getting an eye full, Frankie...or maybe, just maybe, all of these sponsors are starting to take a look. Either way, it's wonderful that this blog is getting so much NEEDED attention ;)

  9. It is all the truth and I am sure it scares her!!!!

  10. i am sure she is pooping her pants!!
