Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thought is was quiet...

...but it seems Frankie has moved on to another victim.

Anonymous said...
ANNOYED!!! Hey Frankie, I know you come here all the time and since you banned me from MMFY...which I don't want to go there anyway you FREAK. Why don't you STOP sending me emails??? Why don't you just leave me alone??? LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!I guess Heather isn't keeping you too busy anymore, is your board a DUD...are you seeing what a loser you are that you are slowly starting up again your evil ways???? JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!Are you getting on my nerves? NO! Why am I yelling? Well, maybe you'll get the hint and *BEEP* OFF!!!!


  1. Eeekkkkk! She's back! And still the same. Never going to change.

  2. Oh Boy!! I was enjoying the peace and quiet but I certainly knew that it was not going to last...I guess I was right...whoever you are...I am sorry that she is doing this to you!!

  3. Not enough to do, I guess.

  4. She will always be "Stalker Frankie Whack Job"
    Happy the blog is slow due to lack of Frankincense's antics.
    Sad there is noting to laugh at every morning!
    We need another mole...
    and Frankie, leave that person alone you crazy fucking bitch!

  5. Fuck Frankie and her loser ass!

  6. I quit Making Memories For You after I saw all these posts and Frankie is still IM'ing and emailing me.
    How do you get her to leave you alone?
    She asked for my phone number so we could discuss it.
    No way!
    I might be stupid, but I am not that stupid.
    Please tell me how to make her go away, I am desperate here. My husband thinks she is insane.
